Roundtable resumes in March after a many-year hiatus. We will meet from 11:45-12:45 in the sanctuary. It will also be available on Zoom, the link is available below.

Education never ends. Come learn with us. We have discussions, not arguments. Our goal is to learn more about all sides of issues and to learn more about one another. If you have a topic you would like discussed, contact Janet Martinique, Jan Thompson, Steve Hychka, or Charlie Welch or just send email to .

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What is The Roundtable?

Roundtable presentations promote personal growth through group interaction. Everyone is free to attend a Roundtable presentation and many folks drop in when the topics are of interest to them. The Roundtable meets in the church’s sanctuary on Sundays at 11:45 AM until 12:45 PM, after the worship service.

While we may reach a consensus about an issue under discussion, the real purpose of the Roundtable is to give everyone the information they need to make up their own minds about an issue. Members of the church or outside speakers lead discussions. In addition, a moderator makes sure that everyone who has something to say gets a chance to speak.

Roundtables cover a range of interesting topics, which may include a scientific principle or theory, a religious subject, or social, economic, or political issues.


Every Sunday, 11:45 AM until 12:45 PM.


In the church library and on Zoom.

How Can I Find Out More?

You can find discussion topics in the newsletter, church orders of service, and in the church calendar.

Join us for worship on Sundays at 10am MT, have some coffee and a snack after the service, then attend Roundtable at 11:45 AM. All are welcome!