Ceremonies, Rites, and Rituals
Unitarian Universalism has many important rituals. Among others, our church celebrates marriage and starting a new family, naming or dedicating our children, and memorializing our dead. We celebrate all ceremonies, rites, and rituals in simple, modern language.
Why We Have Rituals

Rituals offer us the chance to celebrate and voice our affection, hopes, and dedication. They help us affirm life and goodness within the church community and greater world. Ritual observances fill our lives with deep meaning.
Recognizing and honoring religious observances and festivals is natural and necessary in all human cultures. In in our church we celebrate many of the great religious holidays with joy and deep respect. We gather to celebrate Christmas, Passover, and the solstices. Child dedications and marriages are joyful rites. We celebrate our children’s passage from youth to adulthood and we memorialize our deceased members and celebrate their lives.