Speaker: Rev. Rod Thompson

A Sermon on the Amount

Money seems to be a taboo topic in our culture.  I have heard our folks happily and unselfconsciously discuss such topics as sex, birth-control, death and dying, therapy, their alcoholism, and other personal topics, but it’s still not OK to discuss our personal salaries and budgets.  Still, if I want to know where my values … Continue reading A Sermon on the Amount

A Service of Remembrance

This will be a service centering on Memorial Day, or as we used call it, Decoration Day. Since we will be remembering loved ones who have passed away, you are invited to bring a picture or an item that calls them to mind for you to put on our Table of Remembrance.

What is “Inherent Worth and Dignity”

The Theme this month is Pluralism. It seems to me that our First Unitarian Universalist principle, “TheInherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person,” speaks directly to pluralism. As members of a congregation in the Unitarian Universalist Association we are called to “affirm and promote” this principle. What does that mean? How difficult can that be?