Topic: Music

Music Service

This is a worship service centered on music. There will be few readings and no sermon. Often, the Music Director explains the history of individual hymns. The choir may be part of the service. A music service may feature Taizé, a form of deeply meditative singing or it may consist of the congregation’s favorite hymns. Sometimes, the congregation will sing in the Shape Note tradition.

The Choir’s Greatest Hits

Our Music Director, Catherine Massey, and the UUCLC Choir, combine their talents to bring you The Choir’s Greatest Hits, a collection of all-time favorites from the past twenty-five years.

Family Christmas Eve Candlelight Celebration

A Christmas Eve candlelight service with lots of stories and carols, ending with the traditional candle lighting and “Silent Night.” Bring your family, including your extended family if they are with you, a plate of cookies to share, and join your church family to celebrate the season.