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If you want to use this space, call our Congregational Administrator at 575-522-7281 to get things started.

Select This Space For

  • Small meetings

Features of the Space

  • Lobby dimensions: 24′ x 23′, 552 square feet.
  • The lobby is suitable for small meetings; up to 15 people seated at tables.
  • The kitchenette includes a microwave, faucet and sink, plus a counter suitable for coffee or tea service, punch and hors d’oeuvres.

Requested Donation


There might be times when another activity is scheduled in the sanctuary at the same time as your activity in the lobby and kitchenette. We will tell you about conflicts and you can choose to accept the conflict or select a different day or space for your event.

Our parking spaces and buildings are accessible to everyone. There is plenty of parking in both our north and south lots.

See photographs of the space <this will be a link to pictures>